Roselle Kefir

Have you ever ‘discovered’ something you left in the fridge that you completely forgotten about? As I was experimenting various kefir recipes, I stumbled upon a bottle of roselle juice which I made months earlier still sitting in my fridge .
I put some water kefir grains in and voila! What a great recipe it turned out to be. You really have to try it if you can obtain roselle. Either fresh or frozen can be used. I suppose you can even use roselle syrup but I do not recommend it enthusiastically due to the type of sugar used to make the commercial syrup.
A Little About Roselle
Roselle is becoming increasingly popular as a health drink.
Roselle contains one of the highest content of Vitamin C. It contains 3 times more Vitamin C than blackcurrant and 9 times more than citrus fruit. It is also found to have rich anti-oxidant properties (anthocyanins).
The fresh roselle calyx has been found to contain vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin B2 Complex, Vitamin A, Niacin and Calcium.
Known benefits of drinking roselle juice:
1. Its drink acts like natural electrolyte beverage to substitute minerals sweated out while playing sport.
2. Decreases inflammation of kidney and urinary tract.
3. Scientists found it is good for arteriosclerosis and reduce blood hypertension.
4. Normalize blood pressure.
5. Stimulate internal peristalsis.
6. Relief cough and fever.
7. Increase our bodies’ resistance to diseases.
8. Decrease absorption of alcohol.
9. Softening and smoothening of skin.

Uses Of Roselle In Different Parts Of The World In Alternating Healing
In India, Africa and Mexico, all above-ground parts of the roselle plant are valued in native medicine. Infusions made from roselle calyces or seeds are prescribed as a diuretic, to stimulate bile production and to treat fever.
Pharmacognosists in Senegal recommend roselle extract for lowering blood pressure.
In Guatamala, roselle is believed to cure hangovers.
In Senegal, a roselle extract is said to lower blood pressure. In India, Africa and Central America.
In Malaysia, ongoing research is being done in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, headed by Prof Dr Mohamad Osman.
Enjoying A Refreshing Healthy Kefir Drink
Roselle kefir is a sparkling drink that contains :
1. Lots of pro-biotics (all alive)
2. Vitamins ( Vitamin C, B2, B12, A, D)
3. Minerals ( Phosphorus, magnesium, calcium)
4. Enzymes
4. Trytophan
5. Natural antibiotic properties
6. Antifungal properties
7. Antioxidant properties

My name is CY Wong, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am a natural health enthusiast and a researcher who unintentionally, discovered a way to make this really healthy beverage.
In a nutshell, this is a rich pro-biotics flower drink which contains trillions of good bacteria plus loads of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Yes, pro-biotics are not only found in yoghurt (good news for you who do not like yoghurt or do not drink milk) but in this super delicious kefir drink.
The two main ingredients to make this drink are, as the name implies :
1. Kefir – the superior pre and probiotic source. Having pro-biotics in our gut is one of the essentials to good health. If you are new to kefir, read more in this Kefir page.
2. Roselle – a tropical flower that has been used in some countries as an alternative natural treatment for health problems. A very prominent feature of the roselle is that it is high in Vitamin C, 9 times of those found in grapes and currants.

I have tried various fermentation using the kefir grains, such as ginger, lemon, figs, raisins, apples etc. One day, I realised I have some boiled roselle drink left in my fridge for awhile, so I thought why not try to ferment it. To my delight, the drink has turned out to be really delicious and refreshing.
My own children loves the drink and on a few occasions, have found it effective to stop a cough or a stomach discomfort.
Adding a few drops of lemon to it increases its ‘oomph’.
Initially, I have made these drinks for my family's consumption as I found them to be good (my son's and husband's health improved after consuming the drinks). However, as there are requests from a wider circle of friends, I have decided to offer the homemade drink for sale as well, especially for those who do not have the time nor stamina to make it at home.
However, for those who wish to try their hand at making this (and other kefir recipes), I have cultured some grains for sale as well here (you may, however, be able to find someone who
might be willing to share theirs for free if they have extras), however, as I devote my time, energies and ingredients to actually cultivate as well as maintain this website, it is not possible for me to offer them free. If you purchase the grains and they do not work, you will get a free replacement. You will also receive advice on how to make the kefir drinks successfully.

These are common comments and feedback I have received :
“Tastes like sparkling wine!”
“ Fizzy carbonated grape juice.”
“ My children loves it and drinks it like water.”
“It’s delicious and refreshing especially on a hot day”
“This is something my children would drink”
If you wish to get in touch with me, you can contact me here.
Too busy to make? Or perhaps just lazy?
Order ready made roselle kefir delivered to you here